Shorepower – Plug In and Save

Maintaining our edge in transportation electrification

Portland Business JournalThis month, Oregon lawmakers have an opportunity to pass a bill that will further our leadership in urban sustainability. House Bill 2092 would establish a zero-emission incentive fund that encourages people to purchase electric vehicles by providing financial rebates ($3,000 and $1,500 for battery and plug-in electric vehicles respectively).

Sustainable Business Oregon“At the metro level, the city of Portland demonstrated leadership by partnering with Portland State University and Portland General Electric to create the country’s first-ever “Electric Avenue,” a street on the PSU campus dedicated exclusively to electric vehicles featuring multiple charging stations. (A Shorepower charging station is one of the select  few on this street).

“Moving from early adoption to mainstream adoption requires an extra push, however. The rebates proposed in the legislation help bring the costs of electric vehicles in line with gasoline-powered vehicles and will encourage individuals who are “on the fence” to take the plunge to buy an EV.

“Furthermore, the study finds that Oregon drivers would save a collective $46 million in gasoline bills over the next five years, with $212 million in savings by 2030. That’s money families and households can put back into our economy, energizing local businesses. Other states including California, Washington and Georgia have already passed rebates to encourage EV sales.”

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