Shorepower – Plug In and Save

The Gas Station Isn’t the Only Place Americans Pay for Oil

breaking energyLt. Gen. Richard Zilmer discusses energy independence. Good article.

“With gasoline prices lower than they’ve been in years, it’s easy to get complacent about weaning ourselves from petroleum. Sure, you might be spending less at the pump. But don’t forget the high cost our country pays for its over-dependence on oil – not just in terms of dollars, but in terms of national security, our economy and the lives of our men and women in uniform.

“Automakers are making excellent progress in making cars and trucks more energy efficient, and in developing innovative options that don’t require any gas at all. And no matter what happens to gas prices, the drive toward sustainable energy independence must continue.

“That’s a message I shared with local political leaders, veterans and conservative groups when I ​​visited Michigan at the invitation of Young Conservatives for Energy Reform recently. Like my colleagues at the Military Advisory Board, I view energy issues through the prism of national security.”

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