Shorepower – Plug In and Save

Diesel Prices Keep Climbing

imgresWith diesel surging past $4/gal again, isn’t it time to consider alternatives?


22414-fuel-500x375“The national average price for a gallon of on-highway diesel in the week ended Feb. 24 breached $4 for the first time since the week ended March 25, 2013, according to the Department of Energy’s Energy Information Administration, who reported the price of diesel rose 2.8 cents nationally to $4.017.

“The price has seen a big upswing in each of the last five weeks, rising 14.4 cents since the week ended Jan. 27.

ProMiles too in its Fuel Surcharge Index reported a 2.8-cent increase in the week ended Feb. 24. Its national average price, however, is a few cents lower than the EIA’s — $3.963.”

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