Shorepower – Plug In and Save

I-5 Corridor fully shore power equipped

downloadWith our newest site in Lebec now open, the whole of Interstate 5 is equipped to reduce idling, clean the air, and help drivers rest easier! FleetOwner magazine listed all our stops along I-5:

They also listed TSE stations run by other companies, together we cover the entire I-5 corridor!

“Drivers traveling U.S. Interstate 5 and parallel State Route 99 can now travel from Seattle to San Diego and get full rest without the need to idle their vehicles.

“I-5 was the first of 10 interstate corridors targeted for increased availability of this anti-idling technology,” said Alan Bates, vice president of marketing for Shorepower Technologies. “Now it becomes the first freight corridor in the nation where drivers can travel its entire length and get relief from high fuel bills and the noise and air pollution created by truck engines left running.”


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